
The Signs of a Good Digital Marketing Strategy Consultant


In today’s fast-paced, ever-evolving digital landscape, businesses often need an outside perspective to stay competitive. This is where a digital marketing strategy consultant comes in. A good consultant not only helps to define and refine marketing goals but also ensures that the strategies implemented are efficient, effective, and scalable. 

Additionally, they ensure that these strategies align with the overall business strategy, guiding clients through the complexities of implementing an effective approach that can adapt to dynamic market changes. However, not all consultants are created equal. Understanding the signs of a good digital marketing strategy consultant versus red flags that may indicate potential issues is crucial to getting the most out of your partnership.

What is a Digital Marketing Consultant?

A digital marketing consultant is an expert who helps businesses develop and implement effective digital marketing strategies to achieve their online goals. These professionals provide invaluable guidance on improving brand loyalty, increasing conversion rates, and expanding online presence. 

Digital marketing consultants work closely with businesses to analyze their industry, target audience, and user behavior, developing research-backed insights that inform their digital marketing strategies. By leveraging their expertise, businesses can navigate the complexities of the digital landscape and achieve sustainable growth.

What Makes a Good Digital Marketing Strategy Consultant?

1. Deep Industry Knowledge and Expertise

A great digital marketing consultant will have a wealth of experience across various industries and digital platforms. Digital marketing experts guide businesses through the complexities of online marketing. They understand not just the latest trends but how to apply those trends in meaningful ways to achieve results. Look for someone who demonstrates:

  • An in-depth understanding of SEO, PPC, content marketing, social media marketing, and email campaigns.
  • A clear track record of success with similar businesses or industries.
  • Familiarity with tools like Google Analytics, SEMrush, HubSpot, and others, paired with the ability to extract actionable insights.

Example: A consultant who has helped an e-commerce store increase organic traffic by 30% through strategic SEO improvements or helped a B2B SaaS company lower cost-per-lead in paid advertising campaigns by 15% demonstrates the practical application of their knowledge.

2. Customized Strategy Development

Rather than offering a one-size-fits-all approach, good consultants tailor strategies to fit your business’s unique goals and target audience. Digital marketing services provide comprehensive solutions to enhance online presence and drive business growth. They take the time to understand your market, your competitors, and your customers. They don’t rely on cookie-cutter plans but build campaigns based on in-depth research and collaboration with your team.

Example: If your company is looking to grow locally, a skilled consultant will create location-based campaigns, using SEO techniques and geotargeted ads to reach nearby customers. Conversely, if you’re expanding internationally, they’ll craft campaigns focused on cross-border strategies, localization, and foreign market insights.

3. Transparency and Clear Communication

A good digital marketing strategy consultant should be transparent about the tactics they use and the rationale behind their recommendations. They should regularly update you on campaign progress, challenges, and milestones. Look for a consultant who:

  • Provides clear reports on KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).
  • Breaks down complex concepts in an easy-to-understand way.
  • Is open about limitations, setbacks, and pivots needed in the strategy.

Effective communication also means that the consultant will be accessible and approachable, whether you need a quick question answered or a detailed report explained.

4. Analytical and Data-Driven Approach

A strong consultant relies heavily on data to guide their strategies. They should be able to pull insights from metrics and performance indicators, using that information to make informed decisions. A data-driven consultant helps you:

  • Understand how your campaigns are performing with tangible metrics.
  • Set realistic, measurable goals and benchmarks.
  • Optimize campaigns based on performance data and feedback loops.

Example: If a consultant identifies that your social media campaigns are generating high impressions but low conversions, they can dig into the data to find out whether it’s a targeting issue, a creative problem, or something else entirely—and adjust the strategy accordingly.

Characteristics of a Successful Digital Strategy

A successful digital strategy is one that is meticulously tailored to the specific needs and goals of a business. It begins with a deep understanding of the target audience and their user behavior, ensuring that every marketing effort resonates with potential customers. A successful digital strategy is also measurable, with clear goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) that track progress and effectiveness. 

Additionally, flexibility and adaptability are crucial, allowing the strategy to pivot in response to market or industry changes. This dynamic approach ensures that the strategy remains relevant and effective over time.

Red Flags to Watch Out For

Not all consultants provide the same value, and unfortunately, some might cause more harm than good. Here are a few red flags that might indicate it’s time to look elsewhere:

1. Promising Overnight Results

While everyone wants fast results, marketing—especially digital marketing—takes time to generate sustainable outcomes. If a consultant guarantees that you’ll be at the top of Google’s rankings or promises massive sales increases in a short time period, they’re likely overpromising. Good marketing strategies are built on consistency, iteration, and long-term growth.

2. Lack of Case Studies or Proof of Success

If a consultant is reluctant to share case studies or concrete examples of how they’ve helped other businesses, that should raise concerns. While confidentiality may be a concern for some clients, a reputable consultant should be able to provide at least a few anonymized examples or references to showcase their effectiveness.

3. Focus on Vanity Metrics

If the consultant talks a lot about likes, impressions, and followers but doesn’t focus on meaningful KPIs like conversion rates, ROI, and customer acquisition costs, they might not be aligned with your business goals. A good consultant knows the difference between vanity metrics and metrics that actually drive business results.

The Main Purpose of a Digital Marketing Strategy Consultant

At the core, the primary role of a digital marketing strategy consultant is to bring specialized expertise to your business. Their purpose is to enhance the digital marketing strategies and create effective marketing plans for an organization that ends up improving the bottom-line.

  • Provide an Outside Perspective: Sometimes, internal teams get too close to a project and lose objectivity. A consultant can offer fresh, unbiased insights and ideas.
  • Create a Holistic Marketing Strategy: Instead of just focusing on one channel (like SEO or social media), a consultant can help you create a comprehensive, multi-channel strategy that aligns with your broader business goals.
  • Optimize Resource Allocation: Consultants can identify which areas of your marketing efforts are delivering the best results and recommend shifting resources to capitalize on these opportunities.
  • Train and Upskill Your Team: Good consultants don’t just execute campaigns; they empower your internal marketing team by providing training, guidance, and mentoring to help them develop their own skills.

The Digital Marketing Consulting Process

The digital marketing consulting process typically begins with a comprehensive analysis of a business’s current digital marketing efforts. This includes a thorough review of their website, social media presence, and online marketing campaigns. The consultant then collaborates with the business to identify areas for improvement and develop a customized digital strategy. 

This strategy is based on research-backed insights and includes recommendations for enhancing brand loyalty, increasing conversion rates, and growing the business’s online presence. By following this structured process, businesses can achieve more targeted and effective marketing outcomes.

Channel Optimization and Automation

Channel optimization and automation are critical components of a successful digital marketing strategy. Channel optimization involves analyzing and improving the performance of individual marketing channels, such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and email marketing. By fine-tuning these channels, businesses can ensure that each one operates at peak efficiency, driving better results. 

Automation, on the other hand, involves using technology to streamline and optimize marketing processes, such as lead nurturing and conversion tracking. By integrating automation, businesses can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase their return on investment (ROI), making their marketing efforts more effective and scalable.

Measuring Success with Digital Marketing Analytics

Measuring the success of a digital marketing strategy is critical to understanding its effectiveness and making data-driven decisions. Digital marketing analytics involves tracking and analyzing KPIs such as website traffic, conversion rates, and return on investment. 

By leveraging these analytics, businesses can gain valuable insights into their target audience, track the performance of their marketing campaigns, and make informed decisions to optimize their digital marketing strategy. This data-driven approach ensures that marketing efforts are continually refined and improved, leading to better outcomes and sustained growth.

How Digital Marketing Consulting Services Can Help Internal Teams or Existing Agencies

Digital marketing consultants don’t always work in isolation. In fact, some of the most effective consultants are those who integrate seamlessly with your internal team or work alongside your existing agency. Here’s how:

1. Offering Specialized Expertise

Even if your in-house team is competent, consultants often bring a level of specialization that your team may lack. For instance, you might have strong generalist marketers, but if you’re launching a new product or entering a new market, you may need the expertise of someone who has deep knowledge of that specific area.

Example: Your team may be experienced with social media campaigns, but a consultant can bring expertise in conversion rate optimization (CRO), helping to turn those social media leads into actual paying customers.

2. Filling Gaps in Strategy or Execution

Internal teams or agencies may have the best intentions but lack the bandwidth or specific knowledge to execute a strategy fully. A consultant can step in to fill those gaps, ensuring that all aspects of your marketing strategy are cohesive and well-executed.

3. Driving Innovation

Sometimes, an internal team becomes too accustomed to a particular way of doing things. A consultant can bring in innovative ideas, new technologies, or emerging best practices that may have otherwise been overlooked.

Signs It Might Be Time to Bring in a Consultant

Not every business needs a digital marketing consultant all the time. Here are some signs that it may be worth considering outside help:

1. Stagnant Growth

If your traffic, leads, or sales have plateaued, and your current strategies aren’t moving the needle, it may be time to bring in a fresh perspective. A consultant can audit your current efforts, identify weak points, and develop a plan to get your growth back on track.

2. New Product Launch or Market Expansion

When launching a new product or service, or expanding into new markets, a consultant’s expertise can be invaluable. They can help with everything from audience segmentation to paid advertising strategies designed to build buzz and generate leads.

3. You’re Not Sure Where to Start

Digital marketing can be overwhelming, especially for small and medium-sized businesses with limited resources. If you’re unsure where to focus your marketing efforts or how to allocate your budget effectively, a consultant can help prioritize and map out a clear plan.

4. Your Competitors Are Outperforming You

If you notice that competitors are getting better rankings, more traffic, or a larger social media following, it might be time to rethink your strategy. A consultant can perform a competitive analysis and provide insights into what’s working for your competitors—and how you can do better. 

The Stats Behind The Facts

Growing Market for Digital Marketing Consultants:

  • The global digital marketing market size is expected to grow from $350 billion in 2020 to over $786 billion by 2026, driving demand for digital marketing consultants who can help businesses navigate this rapidly expanding space (source: Statista).

Consulting Industry Growth:

  • The global consulting industry, which includes digital marketing consulting, is projected to reach approximately $620 billion by 2025 (source: IBISWorld). As more businesses shift focus toward digital strategies, marketing consulting is one of the key growth areas.

ROI from Digital Marketing Consulting:

  • According to the Digital Marketing Institute, businesses that invest in digital marketing consultants and strategies see an average ROI of $5.44 for every $1 spent. Consultants can significantly optimize ad spending and lead generation campaigns.

Demand for Specialized Expertise:

  • A report from HubSpot found that over 75% of businesses that use digital marketing consultants do so because they need expertise in specific digital marketing areas, such as SEO, content strategy, or PPC advertising.

Key Drivers for Hiring Consultants:

  • 47% of businesses hire digital marketing consultants to increase sales and expand market reach.
  • 42% of businesses look to consultants to help them adopt new technologies and tools for more efficient marketing (source: Deloitte Insights).

Outsourcing Trend:

  • Over 70% of companies report that they outsource their digital marketing efforts to consultants or agencies, citing lack of in-house expertise as the main reason (source: Statista).

Small Businesses and Consultants:

  • 60% of small businesses that invest in digital marketing consulting services see improved website traffic and better customer engagement within the first six months (source: Small Business Trends).

Work With Consultants You Can Trust

A good digital marketing strategy consultant is more than just a temporary solution. They are a partner who brings specialized expertise, a fresh perspective, and strategic insights to your marketing efforts. Whether you’re looking to upskill your internal team, fill in gaps, or push past stagnant growth, let Elevato elevate your marketing results. Contact us today for a free audit!